GitHub Enterprise Server 2.16.0 January 22, 2019 Series notes · Download


Bug Fixes


Backups and Disaster Recovery

GitHub Enterprise Server 2.16 requires at least GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities 2.16.0 for Backups and Disaster Recovery.

Upcoming deprecation of GitHub Enterprise Server 2.13

GitHub Enterprise Server 2.13 will be deprecated as of March 27, 2019. That means that no patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues, after this date. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the newest version of GitHub Enterprise Server as soon as possible.

Upcoming deprecation of GitHub Services

Starting with GitHub Enterprise Server 2.17.0, support for GitHub Services will be deprecated and administrators will not be able to install or configure new GitHub Services. Existing GitHub Services from a previous version of GitHub Enterprise Server will continue to function but GitHub Enterprise Server will not be providing any security or bug fixes to the GitHub Services functionality. At this time, there will be no changes to the existing functionality, but a warning banner will be displayed with the deprecation announcement blog post. Administrators can see which repositories are using GitHub Services with ghe-legacy-github-services-report.

Deprecation of Internet 11 Support

Starting with GitHub Enterprise Server 2.16.0, Internet Explorer 11 is no longer a supported browser. See a current list of supported browsers on this page.

Known Issues



The GitHub Team